Pink October

by Diana L. Martin

As I’m sure you all know, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  This is a topic that has a significant personal connection to me and I urge all of you to support as many of the fundraisers as you are able.  Breast cancer has such a huge presence in our lives that I’m sure most all of you know someone who has been affected by this horrible disease.  According to the, a woman living in the U.S. has a 1 in 8 lifetime risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer.

 1 in 8  

 During October, you will see cancer walks and television shows; you will read articles and hear pleas for your support on the radio.  Please give generously.  Give as much as you can as often as you can.  Ask your company if it will match your donation.   Participate in a walk or a run. 

Office Express carries many office products that have special pink-ribbon editions, from pens to sticky notes to calendars to staplers to sheet protectors to binder clips – things that you use in your office every day.   

 You can help support the fight by purchasing some of these items.  They are available all year long – not just in October.  When you purchase a pink ribbon item, a portion of the sale goes to fund public awareness campaigns, patient support, research and treatment.  Browse more of our selections here.

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