Furniture Guest User Furniture Guest User

Tips and Tricks for Renovation Projects

by Valerie Glander, Interior Design Manager

Finding the process of planning your office renovation exhausting?  We can relate!  With thousands of product options and endless possibilities, it can be a bit overwhelming.  That’s where our furniture team comes in – let us help you through the planning, selection and construction process.  Our Account Managers and Interior Designers can take off some of the burden of finding the right furniture and finishes for your space and budget.   

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Furniture, Did You Know?, How To... Guest User Furniture, Did You Know?, How To... Guest User

Ergonomics for a Healthier Work Day

At OEX, we believe in promoting best practice to make your workplace as healthy as it can be.  One of the best ways to support employee health is by understanding ergonomics and providing the right tools to minimize avoidable health issues.  

What is Ergonomics?  Ergonomics can be defined as the “science of fitting the task to the worker…”  The average office worker sits approximately 10 hours per day.  Sitting for a prolonged period of time, generally more than 2 hours at a time, can cause a myriad of issues in our bodies.

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Furniture Guest User Furniture Guest User

Color Your World

Summer is here and furniture projects are hot right now!  We have a lot going on in the Interior Design department and it is all about COLOR!  We are seeing color pop up in all industry segments – from Education to Public Sector to Office and Manufacturing.  

As designers, we love the opportunity to personalize your space for your business.  We bring together color, pattern and texture to create a space that not only looks better, but functions better as well. 

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Sit-to-Stand Furniture - Perch Chairs

Sit-to-stand furniture has been the hot thing in furniture for some time now - it's the "in" thing for healthy office environments and helping employees to be more active at work.  A sit-stand desk can be the perfect solution for someone with nagging back problems or circulation problems because it allows them to get up and stretch their legs and back while still being able to do their work.  Even if you don't have issues, it's still a good idea to change positions every so often and not stay seated all day long.


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Did You Know?, Furniture, How To... Guest User Did You Know?, Furniture, How To... Guest User

Seasonal Affective Disorder in the Office

My dad struggles every fall and winter when the days start getting shorter. He’s seriously influenced by the lack of sunlight and it takes a heavy toll on him. This condition is called Seasonal Affective Disorder. People who have it may feel unusually tired or sad and have a lack of drive or energy during the short winter days. Extreme cases can result in depression.3

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) can occur in your office as well. Employees may lack energy and lose focus, even fall asleep at their desks. You may be wondering what can be done to offset this or prevent it altogether. I’m glad you asked because there are some relatively simple changes that can be made to help keep your employees cheery and productive.

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Furniture, Did You Know? Wizard of OEX Furniture, Did You Know? Wizard of OEX

Trends in Office Design

Is your office space configured for maximum productivity? Do your employees have both the spaces and the tools necessary for creative collaboration? Is the space comfortable? Is it flexible? These are all questions to consider when evaluating your current work space. Companies spend time and money evaluating processes and procedures and trying to find best practices to move the company forward and make it the best it can be; the work environment also needs to be considered in those evaluations.

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Furniture, Did You Know? Wizard of OEX Furniture, Did You Know? Wizard of OEX

Colors in the Office

There are a lot of moving pieces in an office remodel.  The overall style is probably the first thing on the docket - do we want contemporary or traditional? Something else?  Once that's decided, the furniture can be chosen, then the flooring, the lighting..........the list goes on and on.  

Take time to consider the color of the rooms.  If you've ever redecorated your house, you probably spent a bit of time trying to decide on the paint colors. Perhaps you bought some sample-size cans and painted patches on your wall to see how it would look before you jumped in with both feet.  The same concept applies to the office environment.  Different colors have different effects on employee moods, feelings and thoughts and great care should be given to the new design.  

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Furniture, Problem Solvers, New Products Wizard of OEX Furniture, Problem Solvers, New Products Wizard of OEX

Balance Boards - Exercise While You Work!


Sit/Stand workstations and adjustable height desks are hot right now.  For years experts have been telling us that we sit too long at work and we need to get up and move around during our workday and sit/stand desks are seemingly the perfect solution to that problem.  

But standing too long can cause problems of its own.   You may experience fatigue, neck and shoulder soreness or stiffness, varicose veins, sore feet or joint pain.  I have back problems and I can't stand in one place too long or walk for too long without sitting down to rest my back.  I do like to stand up at my desk every once in a while although I don't have a sit/stand to work at. (I just rest my knee on my chair while I type.) 


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Furniture, How To... Wizard of OEX Furniture, How To... Wizard of OEX

Buying Guide: Choosing the Right File Cabinet

Storage space is a key component in offices and which type of storage you use is determined by several factors, such as floor or wall space, frequency of use, decor and type of business.  Today we're going to focus on file cabinets.  I'll showcase a few of the options and, hopefully, give you information that will help you decide which type is the right one for your office.

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Will Office Furniture be the Next Generation of 3-D Printing?

I recently read an article by Dan Howarth on about a new innovation in the field of 3-D printing that may surprise you.  Researchers at MIT have partnered with Steelcase Inc. to develop a process they call Rapid Liquid Printing that changes 3-D printing as we know it and may make it possible to manufacture custom furniture in a matter of minutes.

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Furniture Wizard of OEX Furniture Wizard of OEX

Should You Pay For Assembly When You Purchase Furniture?

I'm an intelligent person.  I've spent quite a few years on this planet already.  I have a college degree and I consider myself capable.  When I moved out of my parents' house into my first apartment, I saved money by purchasing ready-to-assemble (RTA) furniture and I single-handedly assembled my bedroom dresser, nightstand and entertainment center.  

Without power tools.

I read the directions, followed them, and did it myself.  My hands were blistered and sore for quite a while afterward, but I did it myself.

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Furniture Wizard of OEX Furniture Wizard of OEX

Create a Working Cafe!

Every office needs a kitchen/breakroom -  a place for employees to relax and eat lunch, with essentials like a microwave, coffee pot, refrigerator, etc.  Creating the relaxing atmosphere is done in part by the furniture in the room.  Ask your self these questions:

  • Are the tables in your breakroom large enough for multiple people (and conversations)?  
  • Are there enough tables to accommodate everyone who may be on lunch at the same time?
  • Are the chairs comfortable?

If the answer to these questions is "no," take a look at some of the items we're featuring this week:

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Furniture, Problem Solvers, Technology Wizard of OEX Furniture, Problem Solvers, Technology Wizard of OEX

Product Quick Take: Mobile Laptop Caddy

Our world is built around technology.  Twenty years ago the "must have" items for business professionals were Palm Pilots (remember those?) or a Blackberry.  Now, just about everyone has a smartphone, tablet or laptop computer and we take them everywhere we go.  Today's Product Quick Take is a great item for today's business lifestyle - the Lorell Mobile Laptop Caddy.  

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Problem Solvers, Furniture Wizard of OEX Problem Solvers, Furniture Wizard of OEX

Filing Storage For Tight Spaces

Have a small office?  Not a lot of space for shelf files or large filing cabinets but still have files that need to be accessible?  Consider a rolling file cart.

Rolling file carts, or mobile tub files, are a great way to keep active files handy without taking up a lot of space.  And, since they're mobile, they can easily go wherever you need them to be.  With or without a lid, these carts are available in a variety of sizes and configurations:

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Buying Guide: Casters

Probably the main concern when purchasing casters is making sure you get the right kind for the type of surface the chair is being used on.  If it's being used on hard floors, you need soft casters and if it's being used on carpeting or chair mats you need hard casters.  The other concern is getting the correct stem length and diameter.  Match your caster stem to the diagram below for the proper size and length.

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Buying Guide: Keyboard Platforms

When evaluating a workspace for ergonomic correctness, remember to consider the keyboard.  Many people can work just fine with the keyboard on top of the desk, but frequently the desk isn't the right height and the user can't be positioned correctly.  Ergonomics are a critical component of an office - a space that isn't ergonomically correct can cause multiple health issues.

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