Thought for the Day Wizard of OEX Thought for the Day Wizard of OEX

Is Full Return to Office Now Dead, and if so, Should It Be?

by Diana L. Martin

The debate on full return to office (RTO) versus remote or hybrid work schedules continues to rage. Multitudes of articles have been written on the topic and so many statistics have been thrown around that it’s hard to keep track or know which ones to believe.

According to an August article in The Washington Post, full-time remote work decreased by 10% from February to June 2022 and hybrid schedules rose by about as much, so it appears that hybrid work is winning out over a full return to the office.

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Thought for the Day Wizard of OEX Thought for the Day Wizard of OEX

What is Your Philosophy on Success?

Today's world concentrates on success.  We teach our children that getting good grades is necessary to get into a good college and good grades in college are necessary to get a good job.  Work hard at that job and you'll get raises and promotions and you'll be successful and achieve the American Dream.  We like winners.  We can recite the winners of sports championship games like the Super Bowl, or World Series, TV show winners like American Idol, Survivor or Dancing with the Stars, or the Best Picture Oscar.  Theodore Roosevelt won the presidential election in 1904.   He was "successful."  Who did he defeat - do you know?  I didn't.  Does that mean the other candidate wasn't successful?

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Thought for the Day Wizard of OEX Thought for the Day Wizard of OEX

Thought for the Day

I thought you might enjoy these humorous quotes about Thanksgiving.

Vegetables are a must on a diet.  I suggest carrot cake, zucchini bread and pumpkin pie.  
                                                                                                                                   Jim Davis
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Thought for the Day Wizard of OEX Thought for the Day Wizard of OEX

Thought for the Day

My son turned 18 years old a couple weeks ago.  He is now legally an adult - off to college, learning how to be responsible for every aspect of his life.  I have one piece of advice to give to him that I wish someone had given to me when I was his age.  I don't know who really said it - there seems to be a bit of disagreement out there.  Sometimes it is attributed to Harley Davidson, other times to Anonymous.  Regardless of the author, it is a lesson I hope he heeds.  

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Thought for the Day Wizard of OEX Thought for the Day Wizard of OEX

Thought for the Day

Today I'd like to share a few humorous thoughts with you.


First, why is it that if someone tells you there are 1 billion stars in the universe you will believe them, but if they tell you a wall has wet paint you have to touch it to be sure?

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Thought for the Day Wizard of OEX Thought for the Day Wizard of OEX

Thought for the Day

We all have struggles in our lives - at school, at work, at home.  Maybe you're having personality issues with a coworker or feel that you're not getting the recognition you deserve or you feel that your significant other isn't helping enough with the housework.  I ran across this quote a few days ago and I think it offers some very wise advise, so I thought I'd share it with you.

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Thought for the Day Wizard of OEX Thought for the Day Wizard of OEX

Thought for the Day

Life is too Short......

             wake up with regrets

                                       have boring hair

                                                                drink cheap wine

                                     be serious all the time

                          be mad

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Thought for the Day Wizard of OEX Thought for the Day Wizard of OEX

Thought for the Day

I recently attended a banquet and the keynote speaker was telling a story.  In the process of telling that story, he shared something that he had been told and it really struck me.  You may have heard this quote before - as I did a little research on it to see who originally said it, there seems to be a couple different versions of it out there, attributed to different people.  If you haven't heard it before, you'd better sit down first - it's pretty powerful.

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Thought for the Day Wizard of OEX Thought for the Day Wizard of OEX

Thought for the Day

John Lennon said,

"When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life.  When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up.  I wrote down 'happy.'  They told me I didn't understand the assignment, and I told them they didn't understand life."
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Thought for the Day Wizard of OEX Thought for the Day Wizard of OEX

Thought for the Day

When I wrote my very first Thought for the Day post, I said, "They will be short and sweet; sometimes they will be philosophical, sometimes they will be humorous.  Whatever strikes my fancy.  Just a blip in the middle of your day."  Well, this one will be a little off track of what I usually do, but I just have to say this.

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Thought for the Day Wizard of OEX Thought for the Day Wizard of OEX

Thought for the Day

I grew up on country music.  I don't listen to it much anymore, but it was all that was played in my house as a child.  Schoolmates would make fun of me because I didn't know the latest and greatest artist or the current #1 song in the pop/rock world, but country music has some fantastic artists and really cool song lyrics.  As an adult, I made a list of my 10 Rules to Live By and one of those rules is a lyric from a country song.

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