Trivia Contest - Win A Prize!

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday break!  Did you get the Thanksgiving Trivia question correct?  (See below for the answer.)

Today I'm going back to what seems to be your favorite category, based on the number of responses I get when I use it.  That's right - our topic is:

Common Denominators

Put on your thinking caps and tell me what these three have in common.

  • An English rock band, most popular in the 70's and 80's
  • The members of the Justice League of America
  • A Rick James song

Email your answer to before the end of the day Tuesday, Dec. 6 for a chance to win:

 A $10 iTunes Gift Card!

Good Luck!


Last week's question was:  Which U.S. President was the first to establish Thanksgiving as a legal national holiday to be celebrated on the 4th Thursday in November?

Answer:  Franklin D. Roosevelt.  Many people said Abraham Lincoln, but FDR signed a bill making it ALWAYS the FOURTH Thursday in November.  Lincoln simply proclaimed it to be the last Thursday in November.  (Sometimes there are 5 Thursdays in November.)

Thanks for playing!  Be sure to check out our other blogs!


Technology Today: External Hard Drives


Happy Thanksgiving!