Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?

by Diana L. Martin

Are you Zoomed out? Tired of the constant video meetings? Do you need a little break in your day?

Just for fun, I thought we’d play a game today. It’s a version of “Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader” but all the questions are about office supplies. Solve the riddles below and tell me to which office supply the riddles refer.

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If You're a Baby Boomer, You May Know This

by Diana L. Martin

The old proverb says that necessity is the mother of invention and that’s absolutely true, but sometimes it’s just a happy accident. Something created for one purpose may find success being used for something completely different. In today’s edition of:

Office Products Trivia

I ask you this:

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Trivia Contest - Win a Prize!

by Diana L. Martin

How much do you know about the supplies you have in your office? Many times people find uses other than the traditional ones for them. For example, people have made centerpieces and wall decorations out of thumbtacks. Today we’ll explore

Office Products Trivia

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Trivia Contest - Test Your Knowledge!

by Diana L. Martin

“In West Philadelphia born and raised, on the playground is where I spent most of my days, Chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool and all shooting some b-ball outside of the school…..”

That is part of the lyrics to the theme song from a 90’s sitcom called the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air that I used to love to watch. In November there was a 30th anniversary reunion show on HBO Max and I would have loved to have seen it, but I don’t have HBO Max and getting it isn’t in the budget, so I’ll just have to enjoy the reruns on the cable channels I have that run it.

But enough of my rambling. Today’s topic is:

TV Trivia

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Trivia Contest - Test Your Knowledge!

by Diana L. Martin

HO! HO! HO! Merry Christmas! It’s finally here! Christmas is in just a few days, my son is home on break from college and all is right with the world. We may not be able to be with our extended families this year, but I will enjoy spending time with my own family nonetheless.

Today’s topic is (of course):

Christmas Trivia

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Trivia Contest - Test Your Knowledge!

by Diana L. Martin

There were a lot of visits to Michigan by the candidates during the past few months - especially in the last two weeks right before the election. Many of you may have taken part in the rallies. I think it’s only fitting that our topic for the November trivia is:

Presidential Trivia

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Trivia Contest - Test Your Knowledge!

by Diana L. Martin

As with all British royal family births, the world was abuzz in 2015 when Duchess Kate gave birth to Princess Charlotte, who, by the way, is one of the most adorable little girls I have ever seen. She is just so cute! She is not, however, the only Charlotte with a famous mom. Charlotte was actually a pretty popular name even before the princess was born. Let’s see how much you know about celebrity children.

Today’s topic is (as you’ve already guessed):

Famous Charlottes

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Trivia Contest - Test Your Knowledge!

by Diana L. Martin

OEX is a Michigan-based company. I was born and raised in Michigan and have lived my entire life here, so you would think I know a lot about Michigan. I’ve read a few articles on Michigan Trivia lately and was surprised at what I didn’t know so I decided to make today’s topic:

Michigan Trivia

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Trivia Contest - Win a Prize!

by Diana L. Martin

Companies have slowly begun to reopen and I’m sure you’re swamped right now, so I won’t make you work too hard today. In fact, I’ve got a pretty easy one for you - and it’s your favorite category:

Common Denominators

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Trivia Contest - Win a Prize!

by Diana L. Martin

I’m baaaack! Did you miss me? While I’ve been gone our other contributors have put up some great posts - if you haven’t seen them you should really take a look. There’s lot of helpful information!

Well, since your brains have had a bit of a rest from my trivia, I’m going to make you work today. So…….put on your thinking caps, get your fingers ready to Google (or however you find answers) and go back in time.



Back to the late 60’s and early 70’s……for……

TV Theme Songs

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Trivia Contest - Win a Prize!

by Diana L. Martin

Earlier this month I spent a week traveling with my son to visit college campuses for his grad school choice. One of the universities we visited was the University of Rochester in Rochester, New York. It is home to the Hopeman Memorial Carillon, a beautiful carillon consisting of 50 bells. That got me thinking, which, of course, leads me to today’s topic:

Guinness World Records

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Trivia Contest - Win a Prize!

Welcome Back fellow trivia geeks! It’s time for another game!

This time I’m going to take you to a dark place. A very dark place with a lot of people, where nobody says a word……………. They just sit there, staring straight ahead……… That’s right - today’s topic is:

Movie Trivia

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Trivia Contest - Win a Prize!

by Diana L Martin

It’s hard to escape the Royal Family nowadays. The entertainment magazines constantly have articles about Kate’s feud with Megan, how Harry and David aren’t getting along now, will Queen Elizabeth be stepping down soon, etc… Today I’m going to quiz you on a different type of royalty. Our topic today is:

Music Royalty

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Trivia Contest - Win a Prize!

by Diana L. Martin

I spend a lot of time traveling during the school year because my son is attending college out of state. As a matter of fact, I just returned from a trip to his school about two weeks ago. There’s a historical marker right outside the hotel I stay at and I thought it would make a good question, so our topic today is:

U.S. History

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