Optimizing the Digital Work Environment

By Diana L. Martin

Over the years I’ve written many articles about organization – things like filing organization, use of office reference systems, supply closet storage organization and desktop organization.  Today I’d like to discuss desktop organization again, but this time, instead of talking about your physical desktop we’re going to discuss your digital environment.

Keeping your digital desktop clutter-free is just as important to your productivity as keeping your physical desktop tidy. We live in a digital age. The trend to reduce paper usage moves more and more files to your computer and your company’s main servers.  We have multitudes of files on our monitor screen and being able to access them quickly and efficiently is imperative. Having too many individual files on your desktop screen makes it very difficult to spot a particular one when you need it.

Here are my top five suggestions for optimizing your digital workspace:

Use Virtual Desktops
Aside from organizing your files into folders and arranging the folders in a way that makes sense to you (alphabetical, by project, etc.), you can use multiple virtual desktops to give yourself more space to work. 

In Windows, by pressing Windows + CTRL + D or selecting the Task View icon in the taskbar, you can create another desktop screen.  The files and folders you keep on your primary desktop will still be there, but anything you open on the new screen will only be on the new screen.  You can make as many additional desktops as you need. This gives you space to spread out – you can keep your main programs open on one desktop, that massive spreadsheet open on one desktop, your email open in full screen on another desktop, etc..  Then just toggle back and forth between them using the Task View selector.  You can also choose different backgrounds for each desktop if you’re using a picture. If you don’t have the space or the budget for multiple monitors, this is a great way to accomplish the same thing.

Utilize Cloud Storage
Store files in cloud-based storage systems such as Google Drive, Dropbox or OneDrive.  This ensures accessibility, easy file sharing and reduces the risk of data loss.

Implement a Backup System
Regularly backup important files and documents.  Use automatic backup software or cloud backup services for convenience.

Streamline Email Management
Set up folders and filters to automatically sort and prioritize incoming emails. Unsubscribe from unnecessary mailing lists and use email management tools to declutter your inbox.  I’m a folder person, so I have lots of different folders in my email box.  I find it much easier to know where to look for an email if I have them in folders.

Optimize Digital Collaboration
Use project management tools/CRMs, shared document platforms and communication tools like Microsoft Teams or Slack to streamline collaboration and reduce clutter in email threads.  Lots of questions can be answered quickly through an instant message, saving you from yet another email in your inbox and allowing you to finish and move on quickly.

Remember, organizing and optimizing your work environment is an ongoing process.  Regular maintenance and periodic review of your systems will help you maintain a clutter-free and efficient workspace, both physically and digitally.


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