Trivia Contest - Win a Prize!
Welcome to July! A lot of important historical events took place in July in the United States. We adopted the Declaration of Independence. The first income tax bill was signed into law and the Bureau of Internal Revenue was established. The Battle of Gettysburg began. Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall began his tenure on the court. Apollo 11 lifted off from Kennedy Space Center. We have a rich history (some good, some bad). I wasn't very interested in history class in school, but as an adult that has changed.
I'll bet you know where I'm going with this. Our topic today is:
U.S. History
Who was the first beneficiary of recurring monthly Social Security benefits and what date was the first check issued? (No, it didn't happen in July.)
Email your answer to by the end of the day Tues., July 10 for a chance to win:
A $10 iTunes Gift Card!
Good Luck!
Last question: The R. Kelly hit "I Believe I Can Fly" was featured in which 1996 movie?
Answer: Space Jam
Thanks for playing! Hope you got it right!
If you have a trivia tidbit that you think would make a good question, email it to me. If I use it, I'll send you a small gift!