Remembering Pearl Harbor

I'd like to take a moment to reflect on the events of Dec. 7. 1941 and remember the troops who lost their lives in the attack on Pearl Harbor.  I know we just observed Veteran's Day, but to me, Pearl Harbor deserves a special remembrance.  I've been there - I stood on the Arizona Memorial.  I'm sure many of you have also.  It's a somber site.  I was never much of a history buff, but being there and seeing the exhibits really got to me. 

2403 U.S. personnel killed, including 68 civilians, 1178 wounded.  Half of the dead were aboard the USS Arizona.  19 U.S. Navy ships damaged or destroyed, including 8 battleships.  328 U.S. aircraft damaged or destroyed.

 I was just a high school kid at the time I visited Pearl Harbor and didn't fully grasp the magnitude or the importance of it, but it still gave me pause.  Now, as an adult, to say that I appreciate the sacrifices made for me that day would be an understatement.


To those who made the ultimate sacrifice

December 7, 1941

We will never forget.


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