What We Do When We're Not Hard At Work

Did I spark your interest with that title?  Ha ha - fooled you!  You thought I was going to post embarrassing pictures of my coworkers goofing around, didn't you?  (Ok, well, I sort of am.)

Many of you know some of our staff.  You may have a friendly relationship with your route driver, your account manager or the customer service rep you frequently speak with, so I thought it would be fun to do a blog about the things OEX staffers like to do in their spare time.  Kind of a "get to know us better" blog.

So here goes:

This is Sarah - one of our graphic designers.  Sarah loves to travel and said her trip to Ireland last year was a blast!


Here we have a picture from Jeff Eusebio, the President and co-owner of Office Express, who likes to spend time with his family.  This is a snapshot from a fun project with two of his sons, David and Al.


And here's Jeff himself, with his daughter Christina and Anna Sinagra, CEO and owner of Office Express, having some fun at Disney World after a long day of conferences.


Michael Konen, an account manager, likes to fly his radio controlled helicopters and drones to blow off a little energy.  (Careful Mike - don't fly it into the new paint!)


Brandon, who works in our print department, is a very helpful guy.  Here he is, taking a breather when helping a friend move.  What a deal - the couch comes with a free human!


Recently our sales staff attended a long, grueling conference in Orlando.  (Cue the violins.....)  Here we have (left to right) Alex Plachta, Michael Konen, Kevin Monreal,  Anna Sinagra, Jeff Eusebio, Mike Carr, Steve Victory and Ryan Taylor relaxing poolside.  


This is Wendy, one of our Customer Care Representatives.  Wendy used to live in England and had the chance to hold the Olympic Torch when it came through London in 2012.  How cool!


Here's Valerie, one of our interior designers.  Valerie and her family love to head down to Comerica Park and watch the Tigers play!  Go Tigers!


And I know you're all dying to know what the Wizard does for fun.  Well, obviously, I can't post a picture of myself here (the Wizard doesn't appear in public) but I will tell you that my favorite fun thing to do is play euchre.  (Have I ever mentioned that I majored in euchre in college?)  My second favorite thing is playing fantasy football - and it's almost that time of year!


We'd love to get to know you better!  Email a note or send a picture (or both!) to wizard@oexusa.com of what you like to do when you're not hard at work and I'll share it with our readers here!  Or feel free to post it as a comment directly here!


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