Office Supply Hacks That Make Your Work Life A Little Easier

by Diana L. Martin

To the normal person, office supplies are a mundane necessity of doing business. I, on the other hand, believe that ordinary items can hold extraordinary potential. In this blog, I’m excited to explore the possibilities of standard office supplies beyond their conventional uses. From the simple paper clip that can double as a cable organizer to the versatile sticky notes that spark creativity, I’ll delve into innovative ways to make the most out of these everyday tools. Join me as I unlock a treasure trove of alternate uses that will not only enhance your productivity but also add a touch of ingenuity to your work and everyday life. Get ready to see office supplies in a whole new light!

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Tips, Productivity, Fun with Office Products Customer Care Tips, Productivity, Fun with Office Products Customer Care

The best desk décor ideas for personalizing your workspace

Picture this: You enter a room and instinctively reach for the doorknob to open the door. As you do, you expect to find the light switch conveniently placed on the right side, just like it is for about 90% of the population. Being right-handed has its advantages, subtly woven into our daily lives, often going unnoticed until they are absent…

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Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?

by Diana L. Martin

Are you Zoomed out? Tired of the constant video meetings? Do you need a little break in your day?

Just for fun, I thought we’d play a game today. It’s a version of “Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader” but all the questions are about office supplies. Solve the riddles below and tell me to which office supply the riddles refer.

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The Top 5 Requested Office Products That Don't Really Exist

by Diana L. Martin

Did I pique your curiosity with that title?

We love talking to our customers and it’s our mission to give you the best possible experience each and every time you contact us. We get a lot of inquiries from you looking for a particular item and sometimes it can be a bit of a challenge to find that certain thingamajig. It can be even trickier though when the item we’re looking for doesn’t really exist.

The holidays are over and now it’s time to put our collective noses back to the grindstone and I thought we could use a little help (and a little humor along the way) so I’ve put together a short list of the top 5 requested items that don’t really exist.

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Fun with Office Products Guest User Fun with Office Products Guest User

Put a Little Fun in Your Day

by Diana L. Martin

Do you find yourself dragging through the days lately? Would you like a little pick me up? A little fun in your day? If so, then I have a suggestion for you.

Disclaimer: this isn’t for everyone. Women will appreciate it but it’s really not a guy thing.

Still reading? OK ladies, I know you like a little color and personality in your desks and supplies. Most purchasing managers will only approve the basic styles on internal supplies because they’re all about the bottom line and white legal pads cost less than pastel colored ones, but you may be able to sneak this product past them.

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Fun with Office Products Guest User Fun with Office Products Guest User

Show Your Style in Your Space

by Diana L. Martin

You spend 8 hours a day (at least) in your office, most likely sitting at a desk. Right now, that may be a home office. Either way, it can be tiresome. So why not liven up your space and make it feel more comfortable or more energetic? Incorporate your style into your workspace - are you traditional, contemporary or somewhere in between? Are you a fun person? If so, show it!

Giving your workspace a personal touch can improve your creativity and productivity as well as creating positive energy. Let’s think about a few of the ways you can accomplish this.

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Freshen Up Your Desktop!

by Diana L. Martin

We’re getting close to the end of winter. The days are getting longer and we’re starting to see more sunshine. That always lifts my mood! It’s the perfect time to revive your office space - infuse it with a little energy. Freshen it up with something new! Bring new life to it!

I have the perfect suggestion for you today. We have a new collection of desktop accessories that will put some zing into your desktop setting. Mesh has been the thing for quite a while now. Clear acrylic is out there too, as well as some wood collections as alternatives to the standard plastic. They’ve all been around for years. If you want to shake things up a bit……………………………………….

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Express Yourself!

Spring is in the air! Flowers and flowering trees will be blooming and it’s time for spring cleaning. It’s also the perfect time to refresh your office and express yourself. Get rid of those boring black plastic trays and run-of-the-mill desk accessories! Update your workspace with stylish new desktop collections and colors!

Want to add some elegance to your personal space? Try the Ellypse Collection. This product line is not only sophisticated, it is also made from extra strong and shock resistant materials.

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Fun with Office Products, How To... Wizard of OEX Fun with Office Products, How To... Wizard of OEX

How to Have Fun in the Office

Last week I wrote about the fact that employees like to feel appreciated.  Well, something else employees like is to have fun at work.  An occasional prank or practical joke helps to lighten the mood and make everyone's day a little more enjoyable.  From time to time, I search the web for posts about office humor and boy, did I find a good one this time!  

From the site, I give you excerpts from 23 people Who Know How to Shake Up a Dull Working Day at the Office

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Fun with Office Products Wizard of OEX Fun with Office Products Wizard of OEX

What We Do When We're Not Hard At Work

Did I spark your interest with that title?  Ha ha - fooled you!  You thought I was going to post embarrassing pictures of my coworkers goofing around, didn't you?  (Ok, well, I sort of am.)

Many of you know some of our staff.  You may have a friendly relationship with your route driver, your account manager or the customer service rep you frequently speak with, so I thought it would be fun to do a blog about the things OEX staffers like to do in their spare time.  Kind of a "get to know us better" blog.

So here goes:

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New Products, Fun with Office Products Wizard of OEX New Products, Fun with Office Products Wizard of OEX

Product Quick Take - Stix Classpack Scented Markers

It's that time of year - Back to School season!  The kids are depressed that summer's almost over and the schools are gearing up for the new school year.  Teachers are making lesson plans and ordering supplies for their classrooms.

Today's Product Quick Take is a great item for the classroom - Mr. Sketch Stix Classpack Scented Markers. 

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New Products, Fun with Office Products Wizard of OEX New Products, Fun with Office Products Wizard of OEX

New Product Quick Take - Designer Bookmark Dividers

This one's for the women in my audience.  I don't mean to be politically incorrect, but honestly, I just don't see a guy wanting any of these.  Ladies, if you keep a journal, use a planner or appointment book or just want an easy way to subdivide a ring binder but you don't want or need whole index dividers, this product is for you!

Introducing the Avery Snap-In Plastic Bookmark Dividers.

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Fun with Office Products, New Products Wizard of OEX Fun with Office Products, New Products Wizard of OEX

Fun With Scissors

My house is not beige.  I am not decorating it so that somebody I sell it to years down the road will be happy - I am decorating it with what I like so that I will be happy while I live in it.  And I like COLOR.  (Having said that, my decorating kind of stalled and the house is a bit of a hodgepodge.   One of these days I may finish..............)

What does all that have to do with scissors?  Well, Fiskars and Westcott have some totally fun scissors to dress up your desk and make your day more fun when you use them.  They're not your normal, boring, solid-colored scissors. 

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Fun with Office Products Wizard of OEX Fun with Office Products Wizard of OEX

Fun With Office Products - Alternative Uses for Thumb Tacks

Yep.  I said thumb tacks.  

Creative people never cease to amaze me.  How many different things can you think of to do with a thumb tack?  I couldn't come up with very many, but I'm not a really creative person.  I happened upon a blog post recently on about clever ways to repurpose office supplies and the writer has some really cute ideas.  Here are a few of them:

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