Trivia Contest Wizard of OEX Trivia Contest Wizard of OEX

Trivia Contest - Win A Prize!

Welcome Back!  Are you ready for the big announcement?  I know you're just dying to know who won the 30th Anniversary Trivia Challenge!  Well.............................................


I'm not ready to tell you yet.  

Nope.  You're going to have to wait a little bit longer.  But it will be soon - I promise.


Today, for all the people out there who think they're good at English, our topic is:

The English Language

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Trivia Contest Wizard of OEX Trivia Contest Wizard of OEX

30th Anniversary Trivia Challenge - Last Week!

It's here!  It's finally here!  Today is the last week of the 30th Anniversary Trivia Challenge!  We've got a tight race  - it's down to the wire and the answers to this week's question will determine our grand prize winner.  I've chosen a category that seems to be one of your favorites because I always get tons of answers when I use it.  So, without further ado, today's topic is:

Common Denominators

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Trivia Contest Wizard of OEX Trivia Contest Wizard of OEX

Trivia Contest - Win A Prize!

I don't know about where you are, but here in Michigan we've had a pretty toasty summer so far. of my favorite times of the year.  The time when I can go to Erma's and get frozen custard!  I LOVE frozen custard - but it has to be Erma's.  Seriously, if it's not Erma's, it's not real frozen custard.

Oh, sorry, I'm getting off track.  Well, not really.  Our topic today is:

Summer Trivia

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Trivia Contest Wizard of OEX Trivia Contest Wizard of OEX

Trivia Contest - Win A Prize!

We've all listened to songs on the radio (or TV theme songs) and couldn't understand the lyrics.  Some of the most hilarious things come from what we think they said!  Today I will test your skills with the topic:

Unintelligible Song Lyrics

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Trivia Contest Wizard of OEX Trivia Contest Wizard of OEX

Trivia Contest - Win A Prize!

I can't believe it's already June - the year is half over!  But never fear - we have reason to celebrate.  My birthday is in June - Yay!   I'll expect a large party........  (Okay, maybe just a small one.)    

Speaking of June (and birthdays............)

Today's topic is:  June Trivia

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Trivia Contest Wizard of OEX Trivia Contest Wizard of OEX

Trivia Contest - Win A Prize!

I had the truly amazing experience of vacationing in Scotland many years ago.  One side of my family is Scottish and I tried to find my family's castle while we were there.  I have a picture of me in front of a castle ruins that seems like it was in the right place, but I don't think that was really it.  (It makes a good story though.)  Scotland has some absolutely breathtaking scenery!  If you ever have the chance to go -do it!

So by now, I guess you've figured out that my topic today has something to do with Scotland.  This one is a gimme - it's going to be a race against the clock to see who can email the answer to me the fastest  (hope you're a good typist!).  Today's topic is:


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