Share Your Cart!

by Diana L. Martin

We recently added a new function to our site that I think you’re going to love. It’s called Shared Cart and it lets other people add items to a shopping cart that you created. This can be a great time saver - for one thing it eliminates the need for requisition forms. Just think - no more collecting requests from employees and no more stacks of requests on your desk to be reviewed. (Or does your computer look like this after everyone leaves you notes with their needs?)

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Furniture, Did You Know?, How To... Guest User Furniture, Did You Know?, How To... Guest User

Ergonomics for a Healthier Work Day

At OEX, we believe in promoting best practice to make your workplace as healthy as it can be.  One of the best ways to support employee health is by understanding ergonomics and providing the right tools to minimize avoidable health issues.  

What is Ergonomics?  Ergonomics can be defined as the “science of fitting the task to the worker…”  The average office worker sits approximately 10 hours per day.  Sitting for a prolonged period of time, generally more than 2 hours at a time, can cause a myriad of issues in our bodies.

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Design Your Own Custom Stamp!

It’s been almost two years since we introduced our new online custom stamp ordering site and we’ve received a lot of great compliments on the site from those of you who are using it. We love hearing your feedback - thank you for sending it to us!

Two common questions we get are: 1) How do I get to the site? and 2) Why doesn’t it recognize me when I try to login on the checkout page? Give me just a few minutes of your time and I’ll answer those for you - it’s super easy.

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How To... Guest User How To... Guest User

Is Customer Service No Longer Necessary?

I read an article where the author said that as online shopping becomes more prevalent, customer service is no longer necessary.



Really? Are you serious?


I was shocked.  No, scratch that.  I was completely and utterly dumbfounded and flabbergasted.  Is this the way companies are thinking now? 

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Did You Know?, Furniture, How To... Guest User Did You Know?, Furniture, How To... Guest User

Seasonal Affective Disorder in the Office

My dad struggles every fall and winter when the days start getting shorter. He’s seriously influenced by the lack of sunlight and it takes a heavy toll on him. This condition is called Seasonal Affective Disorder. People who have it may feel unusually tired or sad and have a lack of drive or energy during the short winter days. Extreme cases can result in depression.3

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) can occur in your office as well. Employees may lack energy and lose focus, even fall asleep at their desks. You may be wondering what can be done to offset this or prevent it altogether. I’m glad you asked because there are some relatively simple changes that can be made to help keep your employees cheery and productive.

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How To..., Problem Solvers, Did You Know? Guest User How To..., Problem Solvers, Did You Know? Guest User

Buying Guide: How to Choose a Headset

Ergonomics are frequently discussed in relation to workplace environments, as is productivity. Employers spend a significant amount of time and resources trying to revamp processes to make their employees more productive. For workers who spend a majority of their day on phone calls, a headset will address both issues. Working with your neck constantly tilted to the side, either on a shoulder rest or just cradling the phone between your neck and shoulder, is not good for you. And trying to take an order or type a message while on the phone without a headset results in a definite loss of speed and productivity.

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How To... Wizard of OEX How To... Wizard of OEX

Buying Guide: How to Choose a Laminator

September is Productivity Month!  This month our weekly eblasts have focused on products to help you be productive in the office through innovation, technology and value.  Today, I'm going to walk you through how to choose the best laminator for your office.

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How To..., Did You Know?, Problem Solvers Wizard of OEX How To..., Did You Know?, Problem Solvers Wizard of OEX

Save Time With Recurring Orders

Ordering supplies for your office - whether it be pens, paper, janitorial, breakroom or some other category - can be time consuming.  Especially if your company has a formal purchasing department and there are requisitions and purchase orders involved.

We are excited to announce a new function on our website that will save you time if you find yourself ordering the same items over and over again - Recurring Orders.  Recurring Orders allow you to create an order and schedule the frequency of the delivery - the order will be automatically sent to you on your schedule.  You can edit items and quantities or reschedule the delivery date as needed.  

Best of all, it's SIMPLE! 

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How To..., Did You Know? Wizard of OEX How To..., Did You Know? Wizard of OEX

Buying Guide: File Folder Basics

Today we're continuing our discussion on filing as a way to keep you organized and on task at work (or at home, for that matter).  What kind of file folders do you need?  Why do you choose the ones you use now?  Is there a better solution for your needs?

Let's talk some file folder basics.  There are 3 things to consider when choosing your file folders - style, size and tabs.  We'll begin with style.

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How To..., Problem Solvers Wizard of OEX How To..., Problem Solvers Wizard of OEX

Stay Organized and on Task at Work

This month our weekly eblasts will be focusing on items to help you stay organized and on task at work.  Since I know that's easier said than done for many of you, I'm going to start off the month with some handy file folders to aid you in your quest. 

Now, there are seemingly ZILLIONS of filing products out there - all made by very good companies - and a file folder is a file folder, right?  All the companies pretty much make them out of the same material, with similar features, so it usually comes down to the price.  Not so, my young Jedi.  Teach you the ways of the force, I will.

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How To... Wizard of OEX How To... Wizard of OEX

Summer Picnics at Work

Lots of companies have picnics for their employees during the warm summer months  - perhaps your company is one of these.  Some are held at local parks as a whole family event, others are held at the office after working hours.  But what if your employee base is really spread out in terms of where they live?  Maybe the staff likes the idea of a picnic but doesn't want to stay after working a long day, especially knowing that they have a long drive home.  Or maybe you just can't find a central location for a weekend picnic that makes everyone happy. You want to include everyone, but there just doesn't seem to be a good way to do it.

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How To..., Did You Know? Wizard of OEX How To..., Did You Know? Wizard of OEX

Buying Guide: Mechanical Pencil Leads

Can you believe we're halfway through the year? It's just flying by for me. It may be inventory time for your company now and if you have a supply stock room, you may be evaluating needs for that and stocking up on some of the essentials.  One such essential may be refill lead for mechanical pencils.

Really, an article about pencil lead? (How lame!)  Well, you might be surprised how many people have a difficult time choosing the right type of lead.  This won't be a novel by any means, but rather a quick "how to" guide to make your life easier.

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Fun with Office Products, How To... Wizard of OEX Fun with Office Products, How To... Wizard of OEX

How to Have Fun in the Office

Last week I wrote about the fact that employees like to feel appreciated.  Well, something else employees like is to have fun at work.  An occasional prank or practical joke helps to lighten the mood and make everyone's day a little more enjoyable.  From time to time, I search the web for posts about office humor and boy, did I find a good one this time!  

From the site, I give you excerpts from 23 people Who Know How to Shake Up a Dull Working Day at the Office

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How To..., Did You Know?, Holidays Wizard of OEX How To..., Did You Know?, Holidays Wizard of OEX

Do You Show Your Appreciation to Your Employees?

Everyone wants to be appreciated in their job.  Regardless of your level, we all want to know that we're doing a good job and that our boss notices. It's part of our nature and it's part of what drives our performance.  If we work hard and no one notices or recognizes us for our performance, we become passionless and uncaring.  We need that "atta boy!"

There are many different ways for bosses to reward employees and the trick is to find out what each employee values most.  Some people only want verbal recognition - a simple "Good Work, James!"  A stellar performance review in their file.  Others value monetary gains - bonuses, pay raises, profit sharing, etc. 

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How To..., Problem Solvers Wizard of OEX How To..., Problem Solvers Wizard of OEX

It's a New Year - Start with Organization!

The beginning of a new year is always a busy time.  Filing and storing last year's documents, setting up new files, decluttering the office, organizing the supply cabinet, etc.  A good way to organize is by using storage compartments and modules.  These units give you a place to put the small items (pens, sticky notes, glue sticks, nuts, bolts, etc.).  They'll save space and create a well-designed storage unit.

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Furniture, How To... Wizard of OEX Furniture, How To... Wizard of OEX

Buying Guide: Choosing the Right File Cabinet

Storage space is a key component in offices and which type of storage you use is determined by several factors, such as floor or wall space, frequency of use, decor and type of business.  Today we're going to focus on file cabinets.  I'll showcase a few of the options and, hopefully, give you information that will help you decide which type is the right one for your office.

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