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I’m not a huge fan of reality TV, which seems to be in conflict with most of the rest of America. I used to watch a few reality shows, but I’m tired of it. It’s run it’s course and I’m ready to say goodbye. Except for one show - The Masked Singer.

I LOVE this show! It’s such a different twist from the rest of the reality music shows like American Idol, The Voice and X-Factor. I watched the first show and was hooked - I can’t wait for next season! Today I want to see how many of you share my enthusiasm. So…..our topic today is:

The Masked Singer Trivia

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Trivia Contest - Win a Prize!

Do you like to watch Jeopardy? How about Wheel of Fortune? They both use a particular category in their assortment of puzzles and I thought I’d do a question in that category today, but I’m not going to do it the same way they do. Curious? Cool!

Today’s topic is:

Before and After

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Trivia Contest - Win a Prize!

It’s Trivia Day! <the crowd roars>

A couple questions ago, I tasked you with matching the character from a children’s TV show to their sidekick. Today we’re going to do something similar. I’d like to thank Andrew from Detroit Hoist and Crane for submitting today’s question. <Applause>

Today’s topic is:

Famous Pets

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Trivia Contest - Win a Prize!

I recently visited my family and while I was there, the subject turned to trivia. We took turns throwing out questions and someone came up with a good one. This is a bit of a golden oldie, so my younger readers will have to do a little research. (Or talk with some of the older staff in your office.)

Today’s topic is:

Commercial Trivia

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Trivia Contest - Win a Prize!

Boy, does time fly! It seems like I just dropped off my son on move-in day for his freshman year of college. In reality, he’s a senior! As I was thinking about his graduation and his plans for grad school, I started reminiscing and remembering all the times I sat next to him on the couch, watching his favorite TV shows with him. Which, of course, leads me to today’s Trivia Topic:

Children’s TV Shows

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Trivia Contest - Win a Prize!

It’s award season - are you ready? Oscars, SAG Awards, Grammy Awards, etc. Personally, I haven’t watched any of them for years. I used to watch, but then the shows started getting

R E A L L Y, R E A L L Y L O N G

so I lost interest. Anyway, the Grammy Awards are coming up in a few days and I thought it would be fun to do some

Grammy Awards Trivia

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Trivia Contest - Win a Prize!

It’s December - you know what that means! No, no, NO - not snow, ice and traffic accidents!

Christmas is coming!!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year.

With the kids jingle-belling

and everyone telling you be of good cheer.

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!

Am I being a bit obvious? Yeah, I guess I am. Today’s topic is:

Christmas Trivia

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Trivia Contest - Win a Prize!

It never ceases to amaze me how I can have 2000 channels on my cable service and there’s nothing good on to watch. Kind of makes me wish for the good ‘ol days.


I know, I know - there are lots of reboots on right now to fulfill my yearning, but honestly, those shows have had their days in the sun. I prefer something new and original.

Having said that, I am feeling a bit nostalgic right now, so we’re going to go back in time. Today’s topic is:

80’s TV Trivia

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Technology has made our lives easier in many ways. In recent years, DVR & cable providers have given us the ability to skip over commercials. Bet that really tees off the companies and their advertising agencies! So, how many commercials (and, therefore, product slogans) do you actually pay attention to now?

Today’s topic is:

Commercials Trivia

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Trivia Contest Wizard of OEX Trivia Contest Wizard of OEX

Trivia Contest - Win a Prize!

My favorite beverage when I was a kid was Coca-Cola.  I liked others too - Vernors, Faygo Red Pop, A & W Root Beer - but Coke was #1.  (Don't get me started on that whole new formula disaster.)  I recently received this question from one of my readers and thought it would be a good one, so here goes. The topic today is:

Coca-Cola Trivia

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Trivia Contest Wizard of OEX Trivia Contest Wizard of OEX

Trivia Contest - Win a Prize!

People have asked me many times where I get the trivia questions that I use.  I get them from a variety of sources - books, online trivia sites, newspaper articles, submissions from readers, etc. Most I get from my own life - a song that was on the radio as I drove to work, a TV show I used to watch or that I recently watched, a vacation I took, etc. 

Recently, I was doing my grocery shopping at Meijer and the cashier who rang me up gave me an interesting trivia tidbit, which I will classify as

Miscellaneous Trivia

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Trivia Contest Wizard of OEX Trivia Contest Wizard of OEX

Trivia Contest - Win a Prize!

Welcome to the game where knowledge is king and the points don't matter! (Yeah, I was watching Whose Line is it Anyway?  That show cracks me up.)  I try to make the trivia questions both fun and educational, but every once in a while I feel the need to do some

Useless Trivia

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