Trivia Contest Wizard of OEX Trivia Contest Wizard of OEX

Trivia Contest - Win a Prize!

Welcome to July!  A lot of important historical events took place in July in the United States.  We adopted the Declaration of Independence.  The first income tax bill was signed into law and the Bureau of Internal Revenue was established. The Battle of Gettysburg began.  Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall began his tenure on the court. Apollo 11 lifted off from Kennedy Space Center.  We have a rich history (some good, some bad).  I wasn't very interested in history class in school, but as an adult that has changed.

I'll bet you know where I'm going with this. Our topic today is:

U.S. History

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Trivia Contest Wizard of OEX Trivia Contest Wizard of OEX

Trivia Contest - Win A Prize!

I like a good movie.  I don't go to the movies a lot because there aren't many that interest me enough to spend the money, but I am looking forward to seeing Solo:  A Star Wars Story.  I like light-hearted movies - comedies, romances, "fun" science fiction, etc.  I don't go to the movies to be scared out of my wits, to be sad or to watch a bunch of gory, shoot-em-up scenes.  And I don't want to have to think too hard to figure out what the movie means.  I want to be entertained.

I guess you've already figured out that today's topic is:

Movie Trivia

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Trivia Contest Wizard of OEX Trivia Contest Wizard of OEX

Trivia Contest - Win A Prize!

Good to see you all again.  It's time for another edition of our Trivia Contest!  You did so well at the last question (you always do on common denominators!) that I'm going to have to make you work a little harder this time.

I hope you like to travel, because this week our topic is:

United States Landmarks and Hidden Gems

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Trivia Contest Wizard of OEX Trivia Contest Wizard of OEX

Trivia Contest - Win A Prize!

My next-door neighbors are the nicest people in the world.  And their family is a little unusual when it comes to celebrations.  Out of the four people in their family, three of them have their birthdays within the first 7 days of March and the parents' wedding anniversary is the same week!  The fourth person is the odd one out - her birthday is in October.

Speaking of birthdays......our topic today is Famous Birthdays

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Trivia Contest Wizard of OEX Trivia Contest Wizard of OEX

Trivia Contest - Win A Prize!

It's almost here!  Can you feel the excitement in the air?  This weekend one of the greatest events in sports will take place and now is the time for you to display your knowledge of this famous American contest.  Today's topic is:

Super Bowl Trivia

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Trivia Contest Wizard of OEX Trivia Contest Wizard of OEX

Trivia Contest - Win A Prize!

Happy Thanksgiving!  I love Thanksgiving Day - watching the parades on TV, having dinner with family, eating great food.  And I LOVE pumpkin pie!  What's that?  You're not a pumpkin pie fan?  Well, to each his own - more for me!  We all love different things in life - which, if you are a regular reader, you know brings me to today's topic:


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Trivia Contest Wizard of OEX Trivia Contest Wizard of OEX

Trivia Contest - Win A Prize!

Every day we are bombarded by commercials on TV or radio and advertisements in print such as magazines or newspapers.  Many times, I've found myself singing commercial jingles.  I've often thought that I got into the wrong business - after all, somebody made a lot of money for coming up with a finger that had a face drawn on it (Ziploc bags). 

So today, I'll test your knowledge of:

Commercial Trivia

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Trivia Contest Wizard of OEX Trivia Contest Wizard of OEX

Trivia Contest - Win A Prize!

Greetings Fellow Trivia Geeks!

I don't know about where you are, but it's been quite tropical around here lately.  Highs in the 90's, humid.......ugh.  Thank goodness for air conditioning!

And speaking of tropical locales, this week's question comes to us courtesy of Andrew Wiest at Detroit Hoist and Crane (thanks Andrew!).

Today's topic is:

Classic TV Trivia

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Trivia Contest Wizard of OEX Trivia Contest Wizard of OEX

Trivia Contest - Win A Prize!

I LOVE Trivia Day - and I've got a good one for you today! (Try to answer it without looking it up.)

                               Today I'm going to test your knowledge of:

                                                       Movie Trivia

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Trivia Contest Wizard of OEX Trivia Contest Wizard of OEX

Trivia Contest - Win a Prize!

Ok - I've got a quick and dirty one for you today.  It's going to be a race against the clock and your fellow players to see who can answer it the fastest, but I'm going to challenge you - see if you can answer it without looking it up.

                                                          Today's topic is:


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Trivia Contest Wizard of OEX Trivia Contest Wizard of OEX

Trivia Contest - Win a Prize!

Hello Everyone!  Did you enjoy your holiday break?  Great!  Well, it's time to put on your thinking caps and play the Trivia Quiz!

Today you need to summon all your knowledge on the topic of:

                                        American History

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Trivia Contest Wizard of OEX Trivia Contest Wizard of OEX

Trivia Contest - Win a Prize!

Are you ready for some incredibly awesome and interesting trivia today?  Well, I think I've got a good one for you!  Today, I'm going to test your knowledge of totally useless trivia related to something that we all love.  Our topic is:


Food Trivia

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Trivia Contest Wizard of OEX Trivia Contest Wizard of OEX

Trivia Contest - Win a Prize!

I recently bought a new car and it came with a trial subscription to OnStar and SiriusXM Radio.  I've always wanted OnStar, so the only decision there is which plan I'm going to subscribe to.  On the other hand, I'm not a channel changer on the radio - my radio basically stays on one station all the time - so the SiriusXM is one expense that I won't have after the trial is over.  I just don't need it.


Or so I thought.  

After looking at the station lineup, I discovered that they have comedy channels and country channels and a Broadway channel and pop stations and..and... and the list goes on!  I now have 11 - count them, 11 - presets on my radio. I am L O V I N G it!  They even have stations dedicated solely to a particular decade.  

One day I was listening to the 70's on 7 station, when one of my favorite songs from that era came on and I was singing it the rest of the day.  Just couldn't get it out of my head.  So guess what our topic is today?

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